Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Childhood Toys

I came across some of my old childhood toys when I was going through my old room the other day. I found a cushy ball, some dome shaped poppers that when turned inside out go sky high and my bouncy ball collection that I had started when I was a little kid all packed away in a box left to be forgotten.
I was like a little kid in toy store all over again. My mom kept laughing at me because I would randomly start playing with them and I’d get off the task at hand which was going through everything and getting rid of what I didn’t want or use anymore. Well naturally even though I’d forgotten all about my toys that I’d recently discovered, I still wasn’t ready to part with them and decided to keep them and bring them back to school with me.
Even though they probably have no monetary value, I was still overjoyed to find them because they reminded me of my childhood and growing up in the country where my siblings and I could go outside and do whatever we wanted whether it be playing/building forts in the woods, tearing up the yard with the four wheeler or playing cops and robbers.
I began to wonder why there aren’t any good toys made anymore. I mean nowadays everything is electronic and really expensive. There are all these new video game consoles and games that came out and so many different variations of them that if you’re not into them you don’t know which is which. I’m not trying to be a hater against today’s toy market or technology, I’m just simply saying that I would prefer to play with the toys I had during my childhood. They didn’t require any batteries and were affordable for everyone to buy.

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