Thursday, January 29, 2009

Economic hardships for students

In today’s world we are suffering from economic hardships every time we turn around whether it is from losing one’s job or not being able to make ends meet. The cost of everyday living keeps going up at an alarming rate and is not going to change anytime in the near future. With people being either laid off or going through another crisis such as a divorce, it has become harder to get by on what we already have.
Students in both the high school and at the college level are also being affected by the poor economy. High school students are being affected by the economy in many ways. More and more parents are applying for help with school supplies and for the federal free lunch program which has double its size in the past five years in certain areas of the United States. An increase of parents has been applying for help from prosperous neighborhoods which has surprised some school officials. These families sometimes fall just in between the earned income level and have to be turned away because they earned just over the maximum amount to be considered eligible.
College students have been affected by the poor economy by way of either losing an on-campus job or having to apply for more student loans due to parents not being able to help pay for their child’s tuition. Funds have become low on some campuses throughout the United States which is causing departments to have to let go of students to stay within the budget. A continued recession is cause for concern because there are more students every year who need or are seeking student employment on-campus. With big factories lying off hundreds of workers at a time, college students will have an even harder time finding jobs since those laid off will be looking for a job that will at least allow them to pay the bills. This is a roundabout problem because parents are losing their jobs and therefore can’t help out their child. This in turns leads to the parent having to find a job that the child/student otherwise would’ve had.
Avoiding the poor and failing economy is inevitable but there are things we can do and precautions we can take to prepare ourselves for the worst that could happen. Saving up money so that we have enough to cover expenses for at least three months and staying home more often will allow us to be more financially stable. We should avoid using credit cards so that we don’t dig ourselves into a debt that we can’t get out of. Finding a second job if you fear a lay off might be in store and applying for government help such as food stamps and unemployment are other ways to beat the economic hardships.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Toucans have been said to have a beak a third a size of their body. It is comprised of a keratin material that is found in fingernails. The article that I found this is in was given to me by a customer who thought it was interesting. The article went on to discuss whether it was coincidence or not and went on to discuss whether it was possble that we could learn from the Toucan's beak.
I believe that it was by pure coincidence because how can we have afected how a Toucan's beak was going to turn out when we were not even on the planet? The beak of a Toucan was formed by evolution, not by coincidence.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I am one who texts alot but there are somethings that should not be talked about via text messages. One thing that really annoys me is when people text you about relationship issues. I don't know if this has happened to anyone currently or in the past, but it has happened to me. In fact, it happened tonight while I was at work. Now I understand that we're not suppose to be on the phone while at work, but conversations like this can wait until you are off work or even better when you can talk in person.

It also bothers me when you text someone and they just don't get the point. They act as though they didn't read the last message that you sent them. For instance they ask you if you want to come over and you tell them 'no' that your staying home tonight and then half an hour later they text you again and ask you the same thing. The answer is not going to change, especially in half an hour's time.

Now I know I've said some negative things about texting, but I do believe that texting can be a good thing. I text people on a daily basis usually to ask them a quick question. I text them instead of calling them because I'm not sure if their in class or at work. If it's something really important I will tell them to call me when they have time or when they are not busy. Since there is a time difference between here and Arizona and I am not familiar with my sisters schedule, I usually text here instead of calling her. This way she can respond and tell me that she's busy or she can respond and we can communicate that way.

Friday, January 16, 2009

N.Y. splash landing

I read an article in USA Today about a plane that crashed in the Hudson river. It was said that a flock of birds were the cause of the plane crash. The pilot, Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger was a former Air Force fighter and has flown for U.S. Airways for 29 years. The cause of the plane crash was due to birds causing both engines to fail at once. Birds often get tangled up in the engines of airplanes but they rarely cause a plane to crash.
I am an avid flyer since I have family in three different states. Ever since I was a little kid I have loved to fly. Reading articles like this kinda makes you think about what could happpen next and whether or not it will happen to you. However, I have read many articles such as this one andmany others including ones about September 11, 2001 and yet flying has never bothered me to any extent. What I'm really wondering is how do others feel about flying on comercial airliners.

Hello World

Here is my Hello World post for JMC 425.