Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is there such a thing as too many shoes?

In my opinion, a person can never have too many shoes. My closet is currently filled with at least thirty pairs of shoes with at least half of them being a high heel shoe. When I was younger I had no interest in shoes especially ones that had a heel, but as I grew older I began to become more and more obsessed with shoes. My mom has told me that I've become worse then my sister when it comes to buying shoes and I've come to believe here because today I have more shoes than that of my sister.
I was talking to mom earlier this afternoon and I was telling her that I had to teach my roommate how to walk in heels because she hardly ever wears them. I told my mom that I don't think I will ever be done buying shoes. I just see it as an impossible thing for me not to buy shoes. So to reiterate my point, there is no such thing as too many shoes for anyone, especially for women.

Oh and by the way, I am currently watching Sex and the City the movie and I am so wanting the shoes that Sarah Jessica Parker leaves in the new apartment.

Eating Healthy

I was talking with my roommate the other day about eating healthy and not eating salt because it's bad for your heart. She, as do my other roommates, was giving me crap about eating healthy because I'm quote unquote already skinny. I told her that just because a person is skinny does not mean that they are healthy.
Anyways, we somehow got onto the topic of just how bad salt is but neither one of us really knew how bad salt is for you other than the fact that it is bad for your heart. So we went to google and found out that eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure and lead to other more serious heart problems.
We furthered our discussion by talking about what foods you should buy when grocery shopping. We both agreed that shopping the around the isles is the healthiest because by doing so you are avoiding all the processed foods and preservatives that are in food to make it last longer. By shopping around the isles you are eating fresh fruits and vegtables, meats and dairy products that are good for you and contain no food preservatives.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Paul Harvey

A week or so ago, I learned that Paul Harvey had passes away. I was kind of sad to hear that because I would always listen to him with my dad when I was younger and when we were either picking up irrigation pipe or laying it in the summer. He always talked about interesting topics that you would usually not her anywhere else. I think what I will remember most about Paul Harvery is his closing statement of everyshow. So I think the best way to leave you with is "And now you've heard the rest of the story. Good day".

Internet and its corruption

I posted a blog just recently as an assigment for class and because of the content of the article, my friends and I got reprimanded for it. It started with one person who had nothing better to do with their time other then to look through my facebook account and my blog which I still cannot figure out how they knew about it. Anyways, they saw a post that I wrote at 2 am and emailed it to their friend less than eight hours later, who just so happened to be a district manager. I am not going into detail because I am not going to give whoever this person is anything else that they can use to incriminate me with. I just don't understand why some people have to meddle in others lives. Is it because they have no life or that they just don't have anything better to do than to cause havoc in other people's lives.
As a result of this fiasco, I was told to remove the post from by blog.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Every day there is someone who is going to need a blood transfusion. It only takes one person to save their life by donating blood. One person has the power to save up to three lives every time they donate their blood and therefore should donate blood at least once in their lifetime. It only takes one person donating blood to start a chain reaction that would encourage others to do the same.
Each year the University of Nebraska at Kearney host The American Red Cross and has blood drives throughout the academic year. Each time a daily goal is set and every time it is surpassed by all the students and faculty that took time out of their lives to donate blood.
Each year Blood Wars is held which is completion between all the dorms and Greek housing on campus to see which can donate the most blood. This is a fun way of encouraging students to donate blood and help those in need at the same time.
If the donation level is at 100 percent nationwide, then there will only be a week’s supply of blood. When there is a shortage of donors there would be the possibility of having a shortage of blood. A blood bank is similar to that of an ordinary bank. If you don’t regularly deposit money into the account then there won’t be any in times of crisis when you need it most.
Donating blood is extremely important in saving lives due to the high demand. Each year there are an estimated 5 million people in the United States that are going to need a blood transfusion. A person is allowed to donate blood every 56 days that totals out to six times a year. It is a very serious situation and is imperative that people continue to donate and encourage their friends and family to donate as well so that we are able to keep the blood banks full in case of emergencies.
Donating blood is easy and only takes about thirty minutes of your day. You sign in, take a number and wait to be called back. You will then go over your health history with a nurse who will ask you a series of questions. Next you will have your blood tested for its iron level and if high enough you will proceed and begin the donation process. This process only last about 5-10 minutes depending on how fast you donate. Refreshments are provided after you donate to ensure that you are getting enough sugars in your body. It is important that you rest for at least 10-15 minutes to ensure that you fell well and have your strength.
So please, take half an hour out of your busy day to help someone in need of a blood transfusion. You will have pride and respect for yourself knowing that you helped save three peoples’ lives.

Sources cited

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Breakfast and all its wonderfullness

Yes I know "wonderfullness" is not a word but I could not think of a better way of describing breakfast since it is my favorite food/meal of the day. If given a choice I would probably eat breakfast food for every meal.

Anyways, getting back to the topic at hand. I decided to write about breakfast food because it reminds me of my childhood when I had no worries except what cartoon to watch and what game to play. My dad Max was the first to ever cook me breakfast, that I can remember, and ever since then I have loved no other food more. I remember every morning before school, he would cook us a homemade breakfast before my siblings and I would go to the driveway and wait for the big yellow school bus to come pick us up.

My favorite food that my dad makes are his pancakes. He always makes them from scratch and never measures any of the ingredients. Despite these facts, they always turn out perfect and I have yet to find anyone, yes even restaurants, that can make pancakes better than my father. I'm not trying to be prejudice when I say this, but believe me, if you had my dad's pancakes you would be saying the same thing to.