Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Video Commentary

When I was in sixth grade, my class and I went on a field trip to the Henry Dorley Zoo in Omaha, Neb. I remember being excited for the same reason as everyone else; we got to get out of school even though it was only for a day. The night before the big day, I stayed at my dad’s house. He was helping me pack my lunch and as we were doing so he decided that we needed to go up to the Pump and Pantry in Doniphan to get some snacks to take along with me so that I had something fun to eat.
As we were on our way, it didn’t take us long since it’s only about five or six miles from home, he told me that I could pick out three or four things of my choice. It didn’t matter whether it was candy, chips, something to drink, etc. just whatever I wanted. I’m not sure what all I picked out except for one thing in particular. I remember getting this Starburst sucker that changed both colors and flavors as you ate it. I wasn’t allowed to eat it until the next day on our field trip because it was for my lunch. For some reason, I remember that it was all I could think of and couldn’t wait until I was able to eat it the next day.
The morning of the exciting field trip to the Henry Dorley Zoo arrived and I was bouncing off the walls with excitement because I was excited to see all the different animals and secretly because I wanted to eat that Starburst sucker in my lunch box. The drive down to Henry Dorley Zoo took about three hours and my friends and I talked and played games such as tic tac toe and hangman on the way down. Talking to my friends and playing those games helped to forget about that Starburst sucker for the time being. In fact I had almost forgotten about that Starburst sucker until lunchtime because as soon as we arrived at the zoo we immediately began looking through all the exhibits, learning about the all the animals we saw by reading the displays that were posted in front of all the cages and environments.
I remember walking through this exhibit that was like a rainforest. It was this big open room with lush tropical plants and different species of wildlife found in the rainforest such as sloths and toucans. There was a constant spray of water mist all time to simulate the constant amount of rain that the rainforest receives.
Lunchtime arrived and I was finally able to eat that sucker that I had been thinking about all day the day before. I ate my sandwich first, followed by my chips, cookies and bottle of grape juice. I saved the starburst sucker for last and savored it, taking in each flavor at a time. It was well worth the wait and anticipation because the sucker was awesome.
As soon as we got home, I told my dad about all the things we did and saw. I especially made sure to tell him how good the sucker was and that I was glad he took me up to Pump and pantry and allowed me to pick out what I wanted.

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